Friday 28 March 2014

Painting with Carmen

We were really lucky to have Carmen come and do some painting with us.  She took us through the steps to make these amazing colourful trees.  Come along to our assembly on Friday, 11th April to see some more OR there are a few up in our classroom.

Monday 24 March 2014


My best friend Holly

Dripping eyes gazing

Shiny nose sniffing

Fluffy ears listening

Skinny body running

Fluffy white fur

Slobbery black nose

Cuddly and soft

Holly is my dog 

Water colours

On mufti day Room 11 done some amazing hill paintings.  We needed a paintbrush, some paint, water and masking tape.  We had to peel off some masking tape and stick it on our trousers first, so it wouldn't stick really hard to the paper.  Second, we had to mix the paint with the water to make the right texture.  We had brown, blue, black and three different greens.  We painted our hills, skies and some clouds if we wanted.  Once it was dry, we got to peel the masking tape off and it looked wonderful.

By Salatielu

Paper, Scissors, Rock

We were playing paper, scissors, rock.  Ricky said, "I'm going to beat you cousin!" to Salatielu.  You have to jump on lots of spots.  I like this game because it was fun.  I think my team won.  I laughed a lot because it was so much fun.

We bumped into each other.  I like winning, but not loosing.  Everyone liked the fast game.  I like being outside.

By Ricky


On the 28th February Hampstead School had the Primary School's triathlon at our big, awesome school.  For Hampstead School the people who were doing it were Mia, Damien, Maddy, Caleb, Otto, Isi, Jamie, Tuku and Ethan. 
I leaped in the pool, swam to the deep end and back doing backstroke.  Then I got out of the pool and started running.  I got my triathlon top on.  I ran out the gate and into school.  I got my helmet on and my sneakers, grabbed my bike, ran it out the gate and started biking my heart out.  I was getting off my bike and running around the field, then I sprinted across the finishing line.  I came about 5th and my time was 15:31:09.
By Mia
Damien, Mia and Maddy were in the school triathlon from Room 11.  We got given tops to wear for the day.  The singlets were so warm, warmer than the school tops.  We had to swim two big laps of our cold pool.  Then we had to bike around the school block three times, your legs are so sore once you've finished, and then we still had to run around the field 2 times to the finish line.  I had supporters to watch me, my Mum and Dad.
By Damien

Tuku sprinting really fast

It's triathlon - I was so nervous and scared.  We got our bikes ready with our T-shirts next to them.  We needed to line up and go to the pool.  The lady called my name out and we got in the pool, it was so cold!  The lady yelled, "go!" and we started.  I swam backstroke.  We did two lengths.  When we finished I got out of the pool and grabbed my bike.  I biked 3 laps of the block, got off my bike and started running.  I ran two laps of the field, ran over the finish line and Miss Dobbin called my name, so they could record my time.  At the end Nan was waiting for me.

By Maddy


Colourful Butterflies

Room 11 painted butterflies, we mixed colours.  When we used the red for the background, we had to add a little white, then put it on our painting and then add more white to make it even lighter.  For our butterflies we had to mix as many different colours as we could.  We only started out with orange, white, yellow and red.


Parts of stories from swimming

We walked over to the fine, warm, green grassy field.  We finally got over to the pool.  The water was glistening in the sun.  The water was calm, clear and shiny blue.  The water rippled a lot. I was excited to jump in the pool because I was really hot. 

By Kyle

Yasmine and Grace talk about the cold pools.  Grace said, "I hope the water is not cold", and when we jumped in it was so cold.  Mrs Eaton our cool teacher makes swimming easy for us.  My group learns freestyle by bringing my hand up and dipping our hand back down and swimming across the pool.  After swimming we do not get out, we stay in and have free time.  I swim across, the water ripples when I kick the blue, wavy water.

By Yasmine




"Wow", Cody is jumping very high. You need to be very careful when you are jumping.  Cody had fun jumping high.  This is Cody's favourite thing to do.

Saturday 22 March 2014


Welcome to our blog! Keep an eye out for weekly stories, poems and happenings from Room 11 this year.  Please leave a comment about our work.

Room 11 has been working on consideration this term. 
Here is Maddy and Jess T working quietly at their desk.
Here is Travis lending Oli a pencil.
 Room 11 thinks Consideration is....                                                                                                          Being kind, being polite and thinking about the needs of others