Wednesday 13 August 2014


Sharyn and Brooke came on Monday and we finished our designs, here are a few of them......


Wednesday 6 August 2014

Winter Sports Tournament

I played in the winter tournament.  It is so cool, I loved doing it.  It was a hot winter's day and I was playing soccer for Hampstead.  Before we went to the domain we had to get our uniform on, then we were set to go.  When we got there we had to go to our field.  When we got to our field we had some practise and then the games began.  On our first game to got 2 each.  Then we lost a game 7 to 0.  On the next game we won against St Josephs, the score was 5 to 0.  But then we had some good news - we were in the finals!.  We didn't win the finals, so that was such as shame.  The score was 2-1.

By Michael

They lost, they won and they lost again.  One hot winter's day three people out of Room 11 including me went to do rugby at Allenton.  When we got there we found team gold which was my team, then we went out to the field to start warming up.  On our first game we lost something nil.  But on our second we won like 13-0.  And that was a good feeling winning our second game.  Then we were versing Tinwald and they were hard to beat, so we lost.  Then we watched team blue, they were winning by about 3 and now they are going to Christchurch for rugby!  Then we came back to school.  It was a cool day.

By Oli

Tuesday 5 August 2014


Sharyn gave us some things to make a costume out of recycling materials.  We got to try some on first to give us some ideas.
Zoe's dress was made out of plastic bags and bubble wrap

Giovanni's creation was made out of black plastic rubbish bags and beads

Japenense Students

All the Japanese students that came to visit us were from near Tokyo, it took 3 hours by train to get to Tokyo. 

 They sang "Let it go", half in Japanese and half in English.  They sang really loudly, you could tell they had practised a lot.
They used their percussion instruments to do
a dance for us.

They made a star for some of us.
We enjoyed having the Japanese students at our school.

NED show

Ned's mate did some raps - and he did yo-yo tricks
while he talked to us about Ned not wanting to come to
our school, because he was being chased
by some bullies that were aliens.

He was able to do some cool tricks with his
yo-yo, here he was making the flag of London
and he could also make the Ifle Tower.

Zoe R got to go up and answered some questions.

Ryan got some prizes - he got this cool hat and a boomerang yo-yo!