Thursday 26 June 2014


Some of Room 11 managed to finish their owls today.  They look awesome and now we hardly need any help threading needles and sewing on buttons.  Thanks again to Riley and Michael's mums for coming in each week. 
Yasmine's finished work

Yasmine sewing her owl onto the hessian
Zoe B
Ricky's sewing

Salatielu's owl

Charlie concentrating hard with his stitches
Dontae's Sewing
Zoe R


Jordan T

Cody's sewing

Tuesday 24 June 2014


The choir are performed at the Event Centre this week.  The children have been practising hard.  We got to hear them in assembly last week and they sounded fantastic!  Here of some pics of them.

Zoe R has been playing the part of Greedy cat for the choir as well, and Jessica E was Katie.        They played their parts really well and Zoe got a great review for her Greedy cat face expressions and movements.  Well done!

Laptop Pod

This morning Mrs Eaton has had release to work on our blog.  So there is lots more stories to read - each new post has been added with some help by students.  Dontae has been helping add the photos into this one!

On Wednesday mornings we have the laptop pod to use.  This means we can publish stories, this morning we were publishing our St John stories. 


Cody is typing his work up

Riley is finishing his work up for the day

                                                  Eli and Jordan are publishing their work

Cute dog visit

On Tuesday Travis brought his dog to Room 11.  His dog is about 3 years old, they bath him every month.  She likes eating lots, and they cover up the cat food so that she doesn't eat all of the cats food as well!


Travis is away today, but when he comes back we will get him to add some more information about his dog here.


This is Jeff the soccer coach that we learn soccer with.

He is good at soccer.

When Jeff was talking we had to put our feet on the ball

until he finished giving the instructions.

Here Kyle is dribbling the ball, with Maui behind him.

In the photo of the left we are dribbling with our left foot, some of us found that harder. 

Then Jeff is telling us how to move the ball different ways, like sideways and how to stop it with the back of your foot. 

The Muppets movies

Hey guys - with the holidays coming up you may want to go to the movies and watch The Muppets-Most wanted movie - check out my favourite U tube clip here of the muppets:

Going to St Johns


This is St John's cool ambulance.

When we went to St John's it was fun.  Me and Kyle were buddies.  Kyle had

to put a cast on me, I had a broken arm.  He was good at doing the cast. 

After that we talked about bleeding noses, if you get a bleeding nose

you have to hold on to the squishy bit for 10 minutes.

By Riley


When I was working with Mia I had a fake cut - then Mia wrapped

a bandage around my arm.  She had to be careful not to do it

too tight or too loose. 

By Jessie


This is my fake cut

Here Jessica is getting her arm in a sling.

It's good to have your arm in a sling so it doesn't get

caught on anything if it's sore and to give it a rest.

Saturday 21 June 2014


This week we added buttons onto our trees, here are some of them.

Zoe R

Isla and Jordan G sewing buttons on



Some of us have started our owls, which are made out of felt.

We will post some photos up of those next week.

Monday 16 June 2014

Room 11's movie

Take a look at our movie we have made up from photos from this year.
Enjoy!   :)
NB: Even though this was upload using U tube, it is not published on U tube.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Another Dog visit!

We were lucky to have Mia bring her dog Corona in and her puppy.  She was very adorable  and cute.  I think Room 11 would have liked her for the whole day!
We have been writing some imaginative stories from the view of our pets, we will add some to our blog next week.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


Maui, Cable and Jordan T have been lucky to be doing some soap carving.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Jessyca's dog visits

Jessyca brought her dog Tash to visit us on Friday. 

She was really well behaved and enjoyed all the attention.

Perhaps you could take a photo of your pet(s) and tell us all about them.

Remember we have 3 way interviews this week, I looking forward to seeing you all there.