Thursday 24 April 2014


We took time out at school last week to remember the Anzac soldiers.  It was a very moving assembly.  We sang a song, listened to some war poems and each class put a wreath by our war memorial in the hall.  Here is Bailey with our wreath.

Monday 14 April 2014


One cold day we rushed over to the exciting school hall.  Professionals were standing up in front of us.  Three men starting drumming like elephants.  After that they introduced their selves.  Their names were Tim, Tom and Thomas.  They were all so funny.

The school had to vote for two teachers who would learn how to play the drums.  We picked Miss Dobbin and Miss Park.  They got a chance to do their own solo.



Then a few minutes after some classmates got to come up and play the Cook Island drums, it was pretty noisy, but good.

The best time was when the school was screaming and stomping and the second time was when they used fire and spray.  It was very exciting.

I wish they could do the show all over again!

By Yasmine


Friday 11 April 2014


Homework prizes will be given out this week.

Well done to everyone who has been completing there homework each week.

This week Michael completed an extra homework activity - baking - my favourite one to mark!

Michael typed up the recipe as well

R11 enjoying the cookies!
Ricky with his cookie


Thanks to those of you who made it to our assembly on Friday.

Here are just a couple of photos - our camera doesn't work so well indoors or when everyone is moving!
Here we are showing our art work we did
with Carmen.  They are now up on our
classroom wall.


Kat working with Grace to decide what to do next.

Charlie taps and runs

Thursday 10 April 2014


On Thursday the fire engine came to school and they showed us how they could put out a fire.  They used fake smoke to fill Room 10.

The firemen used a special hose to put out the fake smoke.

They then aired out the room using a big pump.

Some of Room 11 taking photos with the media.

Watch out for Jessie's photo in the Guardian!

One of the firemen in his safety gear.

Jess T and Riley

Most of Room 11 in front of the fire engine

Hope to see you at our assembly tomorrow!



Tuesday 8 April 2014

Timber Dance Group

Zoe R, Grace, Jessyca, Zoe B, Isla and Maddy showed the Thai students their Timber dance.
Today we had Mufti Day, after lunch we had a photo of our dance group

By Zoe B and Jessyca

Thai students visit Room 11

The Thai students sung us a song, it was Katy Perry "Roar", but in Thai

Room 11 painted some fireworks and poppies, the Thai students
joined in and did some painting too.

Sung was writing down the Thai numbers for us.
Here are the Thai numbers -
they look really hard to learn!


Room 10 came with us to the Hall to do some fun activities with Mark, the new PE co-ordinator.  First we did toilet tag, to be a toilet you have to crouch down and have one leg out and have one leg straight, that's how it works. 

After that we played a tennis ball game, there were traffic lights.

Here's what you had to do for each traffic light.

GREEN bounce with your left arm
ORANGE bounce with your right arm
RED put the ball on the ground and step on it gently
Charlie doing an orange traffic light

Riley being a superman!

We had to go in a circle and there was one ball at the start, then there were thousands of balls in the circle.
We had to hit it with the ball on the flat side of our hand to keep it from going
through our legs.


Thursday 3 April 2014


Kat was asking us what the three passes were that we

learnt last week

Grace and Braydon playing Paper, Scissors, Rock

because we were doing 'tricky tag'.

Passing to our partners.

This time we were doing sumo passes.

Eli chasing Cable so he could taghim before he got a try.

Cable just managed to get the try.


One Friday morning Room 11 got all set up for art.  When we did art Mrs Eaton said that we were going to make fireworks paintings.  We used heaps of colours and made them into beautiful fireworks.  Then Mrs Eaton came around with glitter and sprinkled glitter on the fireworks and it looked even more fantastic.

By Grace

Zoe.B, Zoe.R and Grace with their fireworks paintings

Wednesday 2 April 2014


The PTA have been busy helping Bullrush chocolates in time for Easter.  They have donated some yummy baskets for our PTA raffle.  So get those raffle cards back might win one of these amazing prizes.